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How to see a job results

All the jobs that you have launched are listed in the Jobs section.

To see the results of a job:

  1. Navigate to the section Jobs through the left side menu.
  2. Find the job you want to see through its execution time or job id.
  3. Then, Select the job you want to see (click on the job id), to go to its detail page.

You will see multiple sections with information about your job:

  • Results: Benchmarking charts that display the execution time, cost, and energy consumption across various job performances. Additionally, a summary of the results is included.
  • Benchmark results: Benchmarking tables that display the execution time, cost, and energy consumption and the result of the solver.
  • Detailed results: Benchmarking tables with purely information about the solver results.
  • Input data: The input data that was used in this job.
  • Executors: Additional information and metadata about all of the solvers used.
  • Raw results: The actual output of all of the solvers in their raw format.
  • Additional output: Any additional output file that the solvers may generate (this is an optional feature that solvers may or may not implement).
  • Execution logs: Output logs provided by the solvers that can be useful for debugging.
  • Job details: Information about the job such as the job status Job Id, who executed the Job, among others.
  • Cost details: Costs associated with the solvers that execute the job.

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