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Run your first job#

Now that you are familiarized with the flagship use cases and with all the information that is avilable in a use case, you can run your first job.


If you haven’t explored the flagship use cases, go explore them first to make sure you know all the concepts before runnig a job.

Running both Quantum or Classical solvers with QCentroid Platform is very easy and you can run jobs directly from the platform dashboard without writing a single line of code.

Let’s run your first job by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Jobs section via the left-side menu.

    Jobs section in the sidebar menu

  2. Click the Run job button on the top-right corner, and proceed with the wizzard.

    Run job button

  3. Click on the Mininum Vertex Cover use case and click on the Next step button.

    Run job step 1

  4. Select two or three of the available solvers (drag and drop them to the right side) and click on the Next step button.

    Run job step 2

  5. Select the input data for this job by clicking in the Samples tab and then selecting one of the sample datasets. For example, select the 6 vertices dataset and click on the Next step button.

    Run job step 3

  6. Write a title for this job and leave the number of shots as 1. Leave all the rest of parameters as they come by default. Click on the Next step button.

    Run job step 4

  7. Review the job summary:

    Run job step 5

  8. And click the Execute job button.

You will get a notification on the top-right corner confirming that a new job has been launched.

Job successfully executied

Just wait untill the job is in status Finished.

What you’ve learned#

Now you know how to run a job from QCentroid Platform dashboard without writing a single line of code.

You also know that running a job through the dashboard takes 5 steps:

  1. Selecting the use case.
  2. Selecting the solvers to run.
  3. Selecting the input data.
  4. Setting the configuration parameters, including the job title.
  5. Reviewing the summary to make sure everytihing is correct.

What’s next#

Explore the job results