Explore the Platform#
These pages will guide you through the platform and show you how to do the main tasks and learn about the different concepts in the platform.
Basic concepts#
First, this is the list of concepts commonly used across the platform:
- Use case. The Use Case is the main entity of the platform. A business use case is usually an optimization or simulation problem that can be solved using an algorithm.
- Solver. A solver is an algorithm that solves a problem (or use case). You can have quantum and classical solvers and you can run jobs with these solvers to execute them.
- Repository. A repository in the platform is a pointer to a Git repository where the actual code of the solver is stored.
- Job. A job is an execution of the solvers of a given use case. You can run all the solvers at once or select just one or just a few of them.
- Executor. For each solver executed in a job, an executor is run. When all the executors of a job have finished, the job itself also finishes and you could access the results.
- Dataset. A dataset is data file used as input for a use case execution. Datasets are in JSON format.
- Credit is the billing unit in the platform. Each job execution has a cost in credits.
- Hardware provider. Solvers run on hardware providers. These are usually Quantum Computing providers (QPU) but they can also be classical computing providers or based on GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) or TPU (Tensor Processing Unit).
Next steps#
1. Explore the flagship use cases
Learn what is a use case in QCentroid Platform and what information shall a use case have.
Learn how to run a job from QCentroid Platform dashboard without writing a single line of code.
Learn what information you obtain after running a job, understand the benchmarking charts and download the solvers output.
Learn how to add a use case to QCentroid Platform, the six steps needed to complete all the information and how to upload a sample dataset.
Learn how to create a solver, the six steps needed to have a working solver and how to run a job with it.